Use "drowse|drowsed|drowses|drowsing" in a sentence

1. Oh, no! Looks like they catch me drowse.

2. Parlous shoulder - Aphoriser drowsed slender lonesomely measled experimentalizes Lawerence, assorts perspectively unhired conjunctions

3. And would you learn the spells that drowse my soul?

4. In August the cicadas Chorused, and the dusty olive trees drowsed in the sun

5. In the middle of my drowse, I opened my eyes, sensing an unfamiliar stirring.

6. 21 She was no sensualist, longing to drowse sleepily in the lap of luxury.

7. Teach him to read, teach to midnight, chen Xian drowse, the head came up against screen.

8. Comatose: Absolute Sleep ぜったいねむり: Game's Text: It's always drowsing and will never wake up

9. Driving in case of drowse is a most important factor of traffic accidents. Now many countries are active in studying drowsy monitor.

10. The days here drowse all their twelve hours in the sun, and silently sleep away the other twelve, wrapped in the mantle of darkness.

11. As the state economy with drowse from the compete field gradually, the private manufacture enterprise will occupy more and more important place in china Manufacturing industry in the future.

12. As it works on the principle of electronic balance, the moment you drowse and the head falls below a preset angle the alarm would ring, eventually making you alert.

13. Sunday, just when sit in that person of in front of to be when drowse , the priest decides to want to teach him well, let him do not sleep when preach again.

14. Caffeine stimulates the brain psychomotor centres, Кофеин стимулирует психомоторные центры головного мозга, provides an Analeptical action, removes drowsing and fatigue, increases physical and mental efficiency, increases the penetrability of blood-tissue interfaces, increases arterial blood

15. Caffeine stimulates the brain psychomotor centres, Кофеин стимулирует психомоторные центры головного мозга, provides an Analeptical action, removes drowsing and fatigue, increases physical and mental efficiency, increases the penetrability of blood-tissue interfaces, increases arterial blood

16. Rosy with cold, Arabesqued with snowflakes, leaning into the wind, or drowsing before the fire, their eyes large, they look and listen, as if they glimpsed the peripheries of miracle or heard a soundless music in the air